Important phone numbers


International country code: +385

Emergency service: 194

Fire service: 193

Police: 192

Road assistance: 1987

Tracing and rescue service at sea: 195

Phone number for all emergency situations: 112

Croatian Mountain Rescue Service: +385 1 4821 049

General information: 18981

Information on local and intercity phone numbers: 11888

Information on international phone numbers: 11802

Road Assistance (+385 1) 1987

Traffic information 072 777 777

Weather forecast and traffic information: 060 520 52

General Hospital Šibenik: +385 22 641 641

Health institution pharmacy Šibenik +385 22 332 620

Pharmacy Šibenik – Centrala +385 22 213 539

A children's guide


Get acquainted with the content of the Child Guides and explore together with the children of his interest.

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Šibenik Audio Guide


The audio guide application of the Tourist Board of the City of Šibenik for audio guidance of the visitors to famous locations of the City of Šibenik.

. The guide contents are available in the Croatian, English, German and Italian language.

3600 Panorama


Open 360 city view