Cathedral of St. James

The Cathedral of St. James in Šibenik is one of the most significant and most beautiful architectural achievements in Croatia and was included on the UNESCO Cultural World Heritage List in 2000.


The Cathedral of St. James in Šibenik is one of the most significant and most beautiful architectural achievements in Croatia and was included on the UNESCO Cultural World Heritage List in 2000.

It was built in a stretch of more than a hundred years, during the 15th and 16th century, and is unique for it is entirely built of stone. The most important builders of the Cathedral were Juraj Dalmatinac (Georgius Mathei Dalmaticus) and Nikola Firentinac (Niccolò di Giovanni Fiorentino). The Cathedral was first built in Gothic, and completed in Renaissance style.

Its beauty is especially emphasized by the imposing Renaissance dome, the work of Niccolò di Giovanni Fiorentino, which was damaged in the Croatian War of Independence, and nowadays is a special symbol of Šibenik.

The Cathedral is also known for its iconographic innovations, among which a special place is occupied by sculptures of 71 heads on the outside part of the shrine, the work of Georgius Mathei Dalmaticus, for which scientists are still not quite sure who they represent.


  Address: Trg Republike Hrvatske 1, 22000, Šibenik

Opening hours:

From Easter – 01.06.

Daily from 08:30 – 19:30 o'clock

Holy Mass: daily from 9 till 19 o'clock

                   Sundays 09:30, 11 and 19 o'clock

As from 01.06. – 01.09.

Daily from 08:30 – 20:30 o'clock

Holy Mass: daily um 9 und 20 o'clock

                     Sundays as from 09:30, 11 and 20 o'clock

As from 01.09. – 01.12.

Daily from 08:30 – 20:30 o'clock

Holy Mess: daily at 9 and 19 o'clock

                    Sundays at 09:30, 11 and 19 o'clock

As from 01.12. – until Easter

By appointment

Holy Mess: daily at 9 and 18 o'clock

                       Sundays at 09:30, 11 and 19 o'clock

Entrance fee: 20 HRK or 3 EUR



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