Festival uličnog plesa i eksperimentalnog kazališta

Streetforma - festival uličnog plesa i eksperimentalnog kazališta

  13.05.2023, 00:00h - 14.05.2023, 22:00h
  Kuća umjetnosti Arsen
  Kuća umjetnosti Arsen

Šibenik Audio Guide


The audio guide application of the Tourist Board of the City of Šibenik for audio guidance of the visitors to famous locations of the City of Šibenik.

. The guide contents are available in the Croatian, English, German and Italian language.



Visit Šibenik
Mobile App


Visit Sibenik is an application that offers two services; Šibenik Travel segment - a list of available private accommodation, and the "Discover Šibenik" guide to Šibenik, which is based on all the attractions, cultural-historical, natural, all the specifics that make Šibenik special and service information necessary for a quality stay.

Find out more: